Monday, March 23, 2009

Diversion Courtesy the BBC

Altho' Yours Truly is still terribly busy sewing not only a wrapper but a corded petticoat and refinishing a purchased silk dress, she still sometimes is able to find something to distract her. Today's discovery is an online game courtesy of the British Broadcasting Company. Try your hand at dressing up a figure in the costume of either the Tudor or more recent Victorian times. You have your choice of both female and (gasp!) male forms!



Anonymous said...

Good morning, my dear. It´s a plasure. Adieu.

Lauren said...

That is so cool! I will definately have to play with it.

Norkio said...

Why is it that we always have to refinish and refine the purchased gowns? Ug. I'll be playing that game next. :-)