Friday, March 6, 2009

Passion for Fashion (Plates)

Those close to her know that Miss Elodie is an ardent follower of fashion. Now, when she refers to the word, she doesn't mean Fashion as in Fashion Week or Fashion Magazine. Oh no. Miss Elodie's mood for the mode is satisfied by the exquisite format of disseminating style: the Fashion Plate.

The magazine Godey's Ladies' Book is a particularly famous resource for Miss Elodie's obsession, but others such as La Mode Illustree and Pariser Moden are a delight. Recently she spent a splendid afternoon perusing a collection of plates. Soon dresses began to dance before her eyes and an entire wardrobe was inspired. Oh My!

Then the constraints of time and talent, not to mention her empty coin purse brought Miss Elodie back to reality. Alas, the wardrobe must remain locked and the dresses must need dance in her mind rather than on her figure. Nonetheless, Dear Reader, please enjoy some of these visual treasures and imagine the possible confections to be created!

Fashion Plates


Elizabeth said...

These are all so lovely!

Julie said...

They are beautiful. I also have the problem with them emptying out my pocket book. Julie